Anyone who knows me for real, for real knows that for some weird reason, I've always liked weight lifting. Its weird because I'm not an athlete, and there's no specific BMI/max/contest that I'm trying to enter. I just always thought it was interesting. Before I go any further, I also have to tell on myself because I haven't been to the gym in months and have been sticking to simple at home stuff because life's been hectic, but by God's grace, that will change soon!

Weight lifting has been on my mind for at least the past week. I think that its partially because I am recognizing to get my rear back in gear, but also because you can learn a lot about hard work through lifting weights. The most constant and intense times that I had with weight lifting were when I was in high school and took early AM gym. I decided to take up AWT (advance weight training) instead of anything else because I was just not trying to be outside that early in the morning. I had no experience in the weight room though, so it was pretty embarrassing starting out lifting the bar with only 2.5 lb weights on them like I was trying to do somethin. SMH. So I started working really hard, and realized that if I kept a goal of getting a new max on either a lower body or upper body day a week, I could get somewhere. And getting somewhere was particularly special in high school because a new max was rewarded with jolly ranchers!! Yes, that serious.

I recall one particular day in my high school's weight room more than any other day. It was my gym final. Now, most gym finals frankly are a joke, but this was no joke for me. I knew that the summer was just a week away. I came to the end of the road(for that year anyway) and I needed to make it count. I just wanted that new max on my power clean day, and it was not going to be easy because this is a particular challenging exercise involving a lot of coordination(google it if you're not familiar). To get a new max, I had to lift 5 reps of 100 lbs on my 3rd set.............mind you, I only weighed 125lbs at the time. I remember my first 3 reps were super hard, I almost gave up after the 1st one really. And then I failed when I tried my 4th rep and had to drop the bar. At this point everyone in the room stopped their workout to watch me. I was so ready to be like that's it. I'm not gonna injure myself over it. I've been getting new maxes all semester, that should count for something and I started to just walk away.

I'll never forget though how my partners refused to stop yelling at me to pick it back up. "You're not gonna give up now!" "C'mon Fey, let's get it! We need this new max!" "Girl, you better not give up! C'mon, let's go, you're wasting time!"

And suddenly, I felt like I could do it. I felt like I could try again. And mind you, this all happened over the course of about 10 seconds, but that was enough to get me back at it again. I was able to finish that 4th rep, and I just barely completed the 5th......I literally had to push, grunt and just use every ounce of energy in me to slowly finish that 5th rep. The process was not easy or pleasant, but the A+ and extra jolly rancher (thats right, I got an extra one!) was so so worth it afterwards. I was beaming for the rest of the day!

Now did I share that story with you all just to show you that I have a little beast in me? Of course not. (Well.........maybe a little bit, lol). But really I wanted to relate it back to a few things that come up in our Christian walk.

1)Sometimes extreme discomfort comes before a major victory:
"Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning" ~Psalm 30:5
I can not describe how I felt in the middle of lifting for that new max. I always looked at those huge muscle people in the gym grunting and heaving and making weird sounds while lifting half the weights in the room and would say to myself,.........."um, no. I can't be doin all that. It's just not cute." But at the end of the day, I really had to put everything aside and get uncomfortable and step out of my comfort zone and do whatever possible to get that new max regardless of what people around thought. We have to be like that too in our walk and be ready to do whatever God calls us to do regardless of what the people around think. Noah had to set aside everything he was doing to focus on building an arc that everyone laughed at. Couldn't have felt good at the time, but at the end of the day that same discomfort brought victory to his household, and everyone else humbled themselves and tried to ask him to help save them later. See at the end of the day, those same people who mock/look down on you for doing things God's way will respect you, or come to you for help once they see the victory in it. Let's walk by faith, even when it brings discomfort that those who don't have faith yet see the fruits in the end, and want to follow in that Christian walk later on.............Amen?

2)We absolutely have to encourage AND rebuke each other
"Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins" James 5:20
There's no way that I would have gotten that new max if I didn't have my friends screaming down my back that day. And I say it that way for a reason. It was not soft spoken at was real and what I needed to hear at the time and not sugar-coated. Too many times, we choose not to correct people and tell them what they need to know to grow because we're afraid that they might not like it. That's like the spoiled brat kid on TV sitcoms who's tearing stuff up, cursing out adults, or morbidly obese and when the hosts ask the parents about it, they complain about how the kids cry or get upset when they're disciplined. I know everyone has seen one of those, and we all scratch our heads or shake our heads because we wish the parents understood the value of discipline. Well, let's be our brother and sister's keepers too. We don't need the same blood---we have the same Christ. Let's not be rude about it and wag our fingers, roll our eyes and get the necks jerkin, but let's challenge each other and encourage each other out of love to press closer to the mark. Amen?

3) Being stagnant reverses everything. We must keep pushing:
"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us,  fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith." ~Hebrews 12:1-2
This point will definitely have me telling on myself, but its worth it if it can help someone. I mentioned earlier that I haven't been to the gym in months, and that has been a trend since I've been out of school. I've had times where I disciplined myself to be on a regiment for months, then fell off because life hit me for months and started losing muscle mass. The interesting thing about it is that its not like the issue was that I put myself on a McDonalds diet or anything. It's that I stopped pressing forward, because of other things which I spent my time on, so the effects on my body started reversing. I didn't gain weight or anything, but I've lost significant muscle mass, and when I do go back to the gym, I'm going to have to start at a lower max than I was at when I left off. This is so similar to that Christian walk, and I fall guilty of this sometimes too. When we first get saved you can not get enough of the Bible, and church and telling everyone about your new best friend. But some time later on, you get a little complacent and tired. You see a few rips on your arm so you're like 'I'm good.' You don't exactly go back to the club or drugs or wherever you were before, but you also are not as excited or diligent about spending time with God............................and one day you wake up and wonder......."wait, where did my pecks go? What happened to my zeal for God?" I'm talking to myself here too. We have to keep pushing to that new max, lest we fall behind.

I don't know about you guys, but after all that, I'm pumped and I'm off to join a gym(both real and spiritual).........I'm tryin to get that rear in gear!who's with me?
Praise the Lord, and happy belated Independence Day to all of my US readers! I had a super weekend, in the sun for this Independence Day weekend as I'm sure most of us did, which delayed this post, but I still have something to share that I learned! To God be the glory.

Consecration. It's an interesting word which I recently realized that I have been misunderstanding all my life. I always thought it meant to cleanse. I thought that one could consecrate something by confessing sins, repenting and asking for forgiveness, but I recently found that it has a different meaning.

According to Merriam-Webster, to consecrate something is to dedicate it for a specific purpose. So when I set aside money for the collection plate, I've consecrated that money. If I set aside Sunday for God, then I consecrated that time. But I've come across many teachings of late where He instructs the disciples to consecrate themselves, which of course means that in turn, we are to consecrate ourselves as well.
Consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am the LORD your God.  Leviticus 20:7

I think its interesting where it says consecrate yourself AND be holy, which means that both are required. That means its not enough to live just as good people, helping elderly people across the street, doing community service and being nice. He wants more. We have to set our lives aside to serve a divine purpose. To allow God to use our work places, education and gifts to serve His purpose.

Even as [in His love] He chose us [actually picked us out for Himself as His own] in Christ before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy (consecrated and set apart for Him) and blameless in His sight, even above reproach, before Him in love. Ephesians 1: 4

Strive to live in peace with everybody and pursue that consecration and holiness without which no one will [ever] see the Lord. Hebrews 12: 14

So how is that related to independence? Well, the wages of sin is death, so anyone who sins must be a slave to it. Why would we want to do things that will cause us death? Because we're used to it and its in our nature. All of us have at one point been slaves to sin, but once we set ourselves aside to what God wants us to make of our lives, we can be independent from condemnation, abuse, and death and walk into a bountiful future that God has ordained for us. Free yourself by asking God what He wants for your life. I'm finding that there are certain areas of my life that I have to consecrate to Him to get a major breakthrough. I have to consecrate my business to Him, and use what I know to care for my family and church. I have to consecrate my entire being to Him to have peace. I have to consecrate even my time to Him to get through my hectic schedule. Its amazing, the days where I dedicate a lot of time to prayer with God, I get more done without being stressed because He works it out. We have to consecrate ourselves to activate His favor so that we can be free to walk, or rather run into our destiny.

Activate favor, breakthroughs and healing in

For as long as I can remember, I've had an issue with gender roles. The fastest way to becoming my enemy was to to tell me that I had to do something, or that I wasn't allowed to do something simply because I'm a girl. I also happened to do karate, a number of sports, be good at math & science, and I even was a bit aggressive and got into a number of fights as a kid with boys and held my own. After all that, why should anyone try to impose gender roles on me? Psh, please.

Well, as I grew up, I learned that the reason for my aggression wasn't gender roles on its own. It was only certain interpretations of it. I'll elaborate more as we go on, but as usual, I'd like to start with scripture, and today let's look at Ephesians 5:

21 Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

22 Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

 25 Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing[b] her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. 29 After all, no one ever hated their own body, but they feed and care for their body, just as Christ does the church— 30 for we are members of his body. 31 “For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.”[c] 32 This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church. 33 However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

I'm sure that many of us have heard that scripture before. Usually in the context of women being told to submit, and that the man is the head of a household. The truth is, that's all true. Obviously its true, its written clearly in the Bible. Women, let's not try to argue against/avoid it. Its real. It's not about you. As v21 says, its in reverence to Christ. But there is also a whole lot more written in this text as well.

This scripture is usually used to talk to women about submission, which I think is very interesting because in this famous passage about gender roles, the Bible spends about twice as much text giving instruction to men. Women are to submit, but men have a great responsibility in this which a lot of times is ignored and unspoken. They're charged with loving their wives as themselves, even to the point of giving their lives for the wives. It even elaborates on the importance of feeding and caring for her. Its amazing that sometimes this same scripture is interpreted that a woman is supposed to tend to a man while he goes about his business and doesn't really have a responsibility to give much to her. The Bible didn't only call for you to hurl money at your wife[feed], but also to care. Listen. Consider her feelings. Spend time. All those things that you want from others to show you that they care. But the main point that I want to point out is that if you love someone to the point of giving your life for them, that essentially means you are willing to sacrifice for that person. It doesn't always have to be your life, but maybe time and certain comforts. This scripture gives a pretty clear assessment of what a man's love for a woman should look like.

Now, being that I'm not married, this scripture ministered to me in a different way. I recently read an excerpt from one of Steve Harvey's books on women and dating, and the chapter title was "If you don't have standards, go get some." Unfortunately, a lot of women have just one or two standards if any at all. He must have a job, and /or he must be of a certain height[or some other physical characteristic], but what are our standards? Well, they should be based on the Bible. What the Bible says we should have.

From the scripture above, we can deduce that a man is supposed to be willing to give of himself. Not just leftover cash, extra time, or what's convenient, but to make a sacrifice even as large as his one and only life. Right? OK. I think we got that in theory. So what's your response when:
-He cancels to watch a game with his boys?
-What if he just doesn't want to pay toll to come pick you up, so he asks if you come to him? Afterall, the $2.25 metrocard is cheaper than $8 toll right?
-He's busy, so you have to meet and hang out on his terms and his time? You're busy too, but you're just better at making time ....right?

*If you shook your head at these three above, that means that you have a standard of requiring the other person to be capable of considering you and to be capable of modest sacrifices. Basically, he has to understand your worth.
*If you came up with a  "yea, but " to the scenarios, you have a standard of bending to whatever situation comes up.....which essentially isn't a strong standard.....or much of one at all. This isn't to say that there aren't times where you have to compromise. Every friendship, brotherhood or any other relationship involves give and take. The question is how much are each of you giving and taking?

Ok, so I went on a little tangent talking only to the ladies, but here's something for both. I think we've all read Proverbs 31 (if you haven't read it!) And the description of a virtuous woman being more precious that rubies. But here's the thing about rubies. They don't sell for less than a certain price. You have to work for some time to get enough money to buy one. It's a precious stone that's lodged in the ground, so you have to go after it. It doesn't come to you. It doesn't go down in value so you can have it. That's how lodged in our godly standards us women should be, and men, understand that you have work for a ruby. It's not going to come to you. Of course if you're walking down canal street, imitation pieces may come to you. There are always people desperately looking to sell knock offs down there, so all you have to do is stand around, and it'll come to you. You can haggle the price down too. But if you want a real ruby, you have to save, then you have to go to Kay's jewelers, and stand in line before you get it. Kay's jewelry consultants don't go running after you because they understand the value of their jewelry, and they only want customers who understand that also. You can't compare a ruby to mass produced, dyed, cut plastic. Simple.

I recently attended a series of young adults seminars at a church in Manhattan on Sunday evenings which was just amazing. The leader of the group said something when we had our women's only meeting which had me perplexed for a bit, but that I think I'm starting to understand. He said that any man who invites you out, even just as friends, but doesn't have the means to cover both his and your expenses or isn't willing to compromise on your terms [not staying out too late, meeting in groups or whatever they may be] is immature. I think I would have agreed if he left the "even as friends" part out of it, but I was kind of like wow, that's a new one, especially coming from a man. But I guess that's where gender roles come in. It takes a certain maturity level for a man to understand how he is supposed to treat a woman(any woman), as well as how he should be treated and the same for women.

What I'm getting at is that gender roles don't have to be bad. It also was never meant to be one sided, or make a slave of one person. It's really only for order and happiness in the homes of God's children. If each party understands and obliges to their role, it can be a very beautiful thing. I see a lot of young couples at my church who are very happy. The man doesn't order his wife around, and when she does things for him, he says thank you. The man also always opens the door, drops the woman off at the door while parking the car, makes the car run in the rain, picks up the wife, and goes through whatever pains are necessary to make the wife comfortable. The wife doesn't argue or undermine the man in front of people, and considers him first before making plans. She makes sure the house is clean and well furnished, and shout outs to all the young wives at CAC because as a friend of mine says every Sunday, you do a good job picking out ties! Caring for each other. That's what gender roles are about. Men, understand your role so you understand how to treat your ruby like a ruby, and not a boulder.
Ladies, understand and embrace your role so you can develop the right standards to sift through the Canal street men and get to those who want diamonds and rubies.

As always, my posts are inspired by things that I experience and reflect on over the course of the month, and then dig through the Bible for answers on. Standards & roles... definitely my words of meditation this week :)

Can I get a Amen?

Thanks for reading, and joining me on my journey of learning, living and reflecting!
Praise the Lord everyone!

I'm so excited to be before you yet again writing! I used to write a lot as a child and somewhere along the line lost my way, but I praise God for rejuvenating me to get back into it for His glory alone! Anyone excited with me! *bounces up and down*

This month I had so much going on, and so many revelations from God, but the above title, "Since God be for you, try not to be against yourself" just kind of popped in my head on my way to work this morning, and stuck there ever since. Let me start by saying that the quote is inspired by Romans 8, specifically the following exerpts:

" Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death."  Romans 8: v1-2

"What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.  Who then is the one who condemns? No one."  Romans 8: v31-34

This is a powerful set of scriptures, and if you've never read this before, please visit Romans 8 and read it in its entirety. It's one that is usually pulled up when referencing people passing judgement on others. Telling others that they are not worthy either of things on earth, eternity in heaven or both. However, as usual, this scripture today ministered to me very differently. Yes, there are people out there who tear us down. Yes, there are people out there who jump on the opportunity to say 'I told you so' when you fall, but never give a word of encouragement when you're doing well. However, it's also true that a lot of us do this to ourselves, and many times what we do to ourselves is far worse than what others do.

How do I know this? Because as usual this blog post is inspired from a personal area of growth. I've always had my fair share of issues with self esteem. I've been growing out of it for the past few years, praise God, but it can still be a struggle sometimes. Sometimes, it really doesn't matter what others say to encourage me, because there is a voice inside that keeps my confidence down. Sometimes, I even find myself overlooking what the Bible says I am, and the words of encouragement in the Bible when I'm overwhelmed with new challenges. I even shared recently in a sermonette at my church, that God has been calling me to do more evangelizing and mentoring in my everyday life, but I'd been running from it because I didn't feel I had the heart for it. I let so many past things hold me back even though God is for me.Crazy, but I'm working on it. I'm an overcomer through Christ. [Amen?]

It shouldn't be this way. This all the devil's work to hold us back from our destiny. He doesn't want to see you graduate, minister, get a job, start a venture, have successful relationships or do anything else that God has called you to do. He wants you to sit in that corner fearful and stagnant.

This is important, so I'm gonna go in on this again, but from a different lens. Maybe you're not so self conscious about your looks or your abilities, but you just can't let go of your past, pre-Christian life. Maybe according to your own judgement, you're dirty, used, or just not worthy of love and good things.

"Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us." -Romans 8:34

Again, that scripture today is not about your mom who said you're not pretty enough. It's not about your teachers who said you'd never amount to anything. It's not even about those holier than thou folks at church who know your past look down on you when you come on Sundays. This word is for YOU. It says, who is the one who condemns? No one. That means IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE to cast judgement, even on yourself. Why? Because Jesus is by God's side day and night interceding for you. That means he is working on your behalf. Washing your sins away with the blood He shed. Who then are you to cast judgement? [think about it]

I am telling you today that God is for you. Forget about whatever else in your head or around you says otherwise. He is for us. The Bible, the word of God, says so. It tells us that we are more than conquerors.[Romans 8:37], and that we can do all things through Christ Jesus[Phillipians 4:13]. Who are you to say otherwise?

Be encouraged. Remember who really is on the throne and determines who you are and what you can do. Remember that someone so much bigger is in charge of your destiny, and that He loves you. He is for you. So try not to be against yourself.

Stay blessed!
Praise the Lord everyone! I am so thankful this evening because God continues to take the glory in every situation. I decided to write this bonus piece, as God laid this on my heart heavy this week.

A few months ago when the May 21st rapture claims came out, a great frenzy began as people started to 'prepare' for it. How did they prepare for it? By reading a book written by a man and using this as the basis for how to proceed with life. Many people quit their jobs and decided that they would just stop paying bill collectors. After all, rapture was coming on May 21st at exactly 6pm, right? It's true because some preacher said so.

Let's take a look at what the Bible says:
  • "No one knows about the day or hour, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, but only the Father" Matt 24:36
  • "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come. But understand this: If the owner of the house had known at what time of night the thief was coming, he would have kept watch and would not have let his house been broken into.So you also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him." Matthew: 24:42-44
  • "Two men will be in the field; one will be taken and the other left. Two women will be grinding with a hand mill; one will be taken and the other left." Matthew: 24:40-41
The word of God is so awesome, it tells us everything that we need to know. There are a few things that I want to address above. First, the Bible says that no one on heaven or earth knows the coming but God. Not even the angels. No one at all. This is actually repeated in Mark, so there are two opportunities for you to stumble on this exact quote, in addition to many parables alluding to this truth throughout the New Testament. It even stresses that He will come when you are not expecting it. This mean's it can't be on a revealed schedule! As soon as I first heard of this rapture concept, my thoughts went to this scripture. If God knows the entire story of the world from beginning to end, would He put this scripture in the Bible, and then send a warning through a person? Ponder on that.

The next thing I heard about was how believers of this rapture theory began to leave their jobs and not pay bills. But the Bible says that people will be taken while working and going about their normal activities. The Bible also says give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. Would this be written so plainly if God wanted us to schedule in the rapture and wait around for it idly? Would I even want to face judgement day with bills which I avoided intentionally? Ponder on that.

Children of God, the Bible is very clear about rapture, but unfortunately, people refuse to read it and get deceived. The Bible even clearly warns against these deceivers, but people don't get these messages because they put their trust into pastors instead of God. Into novels instead of the Bible. That isn't to say that you shouldn't respect your pastor or the word that he/she brings. It's important to have Christian teaching, but it is your responsibility to test everything and verify it in the Bible. Make sure that you have your own relationship with Christ and with your Bible. Even if you are a new Christian, use Google to research scriptures relating to what you need to verify or know. We are called to follow Christ, to read our Bibles and to be active members of Bible based congregations. Ensure that anything extra such as a mass cry, devotional or even this blog is aligned to what the Bible says. Find out for yourself! Your salvation is too costly to rely on anyone else to do it for you. It can even have a devastating affect on your journey here on earth. The next few weeks will show the aftermath of all of those who are now jobless with piles of bills due to this May 21st rapture theory, all due to failure to reference the Word of God.

Let's make the Bible our reference people. It's important. Your life and your salvation depends upon it!!
.A few years ago, I dated someone and we eventually broke up. After we split, I found out about some additional things that this person was doing behind my back while we were still together. I was very angry and just completely cut this person off. I even remember a specific time where I actually blacked out while screaming for this person to leave me alone and never speak to me again [or at least I think that was the gist of it]. I'll never forget the look on his face when I came back to myself, and how he just walked away silently. I was soooo glad to finally get that negativity out of my life...........or so I thought.

Flash forward to this past month, almost 6 years later. I wake up in an awesome mood on a beautiful Saturday morning ready to conquor the world! I say my prayers and everything is all good until I take my morning look through my blackberry...........I remember my next thoughts so clearly.....

"How dare you, YOU? What do you think this is? I can't deal with this craziness. This is ridiculous. ........."

Why that reaction? A friend request from this same person. Almost 6 years after the deed. I am telling you brothers and sisters that in that moment God really began to speak to me. He always speaks to me, but in that moment it became very clear what's been holding me back in certain aspects of life. My inability to forgive and let go of certain things. The first thing I thought about was how I ask God for forgiveness every day for dumb things that I do, sometimes knowingly. My spirit was reminding me that Matthew 6:14 says "For if you forgive others for their transgressions, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others, then your Father will not forgive your transgressions" but my heart was saying "absolutely not, this is different." I caught myself again. My spirit was saying "you're making excuses" and my heart was just saying "no, no one understands." The crazy thing, was that in that moment, I felt that even God couldn't understand.

A few moments later, I began to be reminded of what a Christian is. A follower of Christ. Someone who forgives one person seventy times seven times. So I took a deep breath and said OK God, I forgive him........................but I'm not trying to be friends on Facebook. I was still looking for indirect ways to tell the ex to stay out of my face. Then the Spirit began to go to work again on me. If you truly forgive him, this won't be a problem. No one says you have to be bffs. Just take the high road and let this thing heal. So I eventually let it all go with a deep sigh, and clicked 'accept.'

Now anyone who knows me well, knows that I am the logical person. I hate when things get overcomplicated or illogical due to extreme emotions. For the rest of the day, I kept asking myself, why was that so hard? What's going on here? I am not this irrational. But it was the beginning of God showing me something miraculous about myself and who I've become. For the next couple of weeks, I started to have random flashbacks about things that have happened to me since 'the incident' and how it affected much more than my relationship life. Things that people have done or said to me and how I felt. How I reacted. How in some cases, I did things that were uncalled for to other people. This was not exactly a leisurely walk down memory lane. It burned. But what I learned, is that there are many things that I've swept under the rug, instead of sweeping into a dust pan and throwing into the trash. And even worse, until now I had no idea that these things were holding me back in so many ways. I watched how my behavior began to change over the years and I became more and more distant from people for lack of trust. I watched how I sometimes buried myself in work to run from people. And more recently, even in my new life walking with Christ, I allow God to touch everything in my life, but my heart. Touch my church Lord, touch my job, touch my family and my charity work, but don't touch my scarred heart...........This is deep, and its hard for me to even type it right now, but I know this is going to touch someone else. I was acting like a child with a cut who runs from their parent when they attempt to clean and bandage the cut for fear of that temporary sting from the alcohol wipe. But without treatment, that cut can get infected or heal incorrectly over time.....................but I serve the ultimate Doctor who can heal even the most infected wound. [Amen?]
"Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." - 2 Corinthians 5:17

This is one of my favorite scriptures, and this month it took new meaning in my heart. Not only should my actions become new, but my entire being. I have to let God create a new heart in me. I have to stop holding onto past things and using it as an excuse to not proceed into my destiny. Even Jesus says Himself in Luke 9:62 “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” I want to be used by God and I want to reach the destiny that He has planned for me, so I'm not just allowing Him, but really inviting Him into this place that I've been hiding from Him[as if there's anything we can hide from God, lol]. Come on in! You're cordially invited Lord!

I'm sharing this not just to talk about myself, but because we all have been failed at some point, and we all have those things that we may not have completely given to God yet. It might be feeling inadequate at work or in school. It might be guilt from something you did, and continue to punish yourself for. It might be hurt from your family, chronic depression or low self esteem. I'm bearing witness to the fact that He is an awesome burden bearer, and no matter what that thing is, if you let Him into your heart, and answer Him when He speaks to you, He will surely do a new thing in you. I pray that my experiences and journey with Christ richly blesses you, strengthens you and helps you to give it all to Him so that you can accelerate into your beautiful, bright future!!
Praise the Lord everyone! Let everyone that has breath praise Him! I'm overjoyed today to be at my computer writing again about what's on my heart. I must warn you that there's some geekiness and equations below since I just finished rejuvenating my tech side at the annual NSBE Convention, lol. Read, enjoy and be blessed!

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2011 is an interesting time for young Christians. There are so many things that we're exposed to in this day and age, and sometimes the lines between biblical and cultural correctness get blurred. Sometimes its difficult to clearly classify something as a sin, and even harder to get a group consensus on it if you happen to get into a debate about it.

Is it a sin to drink? Can you be a true Christian if you have a tattoo or two? What about motorcycles, and where is the line drawn for what you're allowed to wear to the beach? Is it a sin to go to a club party? What about pork and calamari? What day IS the sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? I know some of us out there have gotten into these debates with our friends, and scriptures get thrown out, hands start flailing, and sometimes voices even get raised........ it can get a little ugly.

"One person’s faith allows them to eat anything, but another, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables.........One person considers one day more sacred than another; another considers every day alike." - Romans 14: 2, 5

The Bible handles this situation in verse 1; "Accept the one whose faith is weak, without quarreling over disputable matters." This of course is easy to read and agree with in theory, but by human nature, we still want to know who or what was right in the end. Its either me, or them right?

Actually, the Bible says otherwise:
"Each of them should be fully convinced in their own mind. Whoever regards one day as special does so to the Lord. Whoever eats meat does so to the Lord, for they give thanks to God; and whoever abstains does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God." - Romans 14:5-6

"Blessed is the one who does not condemn himself by what he approves. But whoever has doubts is condemned if they eat, because their eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin." - Romans 14:22-23

The line that stands out to me the most there, is that everything that does not come from faith is sin. Breaking it down into an equation for my fellow science geeks and engineers, ¬ faith = sin. (For my non-geeks, ¬ means 'not') If you feel condemned by what you are doing, you are sinning....period. Do you feel wrong for drinking wine (in moderation)? Then you're sinning. Do you feel that Sunday is the Sabbath? Then you're sinning when you refuse to keep it holy. Does that yellow polka dot bikini make you feel like less of a Christian? Then guess what, don't wear it. Because the bottom line is that if you're not doing what you're doing in faith you are sinning.

Its extremely important to remember that the above only applies when you're talking about the gray areas. You can not covet and then try to justify it by what you personally feel you should have, because that is strictly labeled as a sin in the 10 commandments. You cannot hate and hold malice, because Jesus called us to love our neighbors as ourselves and to keep no record of wrong doing. These things are clear, so regardless of your feelings, there's no debate on what is right and wrong.

The key is ensuring that your moral compass is in line with the word of God, not society. This will first require reading the Bible, but then accepting its instructions as your own. Once you do this, you can begin to act on your faith, staying clear of anything that compromises your faith.

This is all a process, and I'm writing as someone who's on this road of learning as well. I'm not writing as someone who's got it all down pact and is perfect, but simply with the hope and faith that sharing this journey richly blesses you. Take courage, stay strong, and remember:

¬ Faith = Sin,
but Faith -> Grace -> Good Works. (summarized from Ephesians 2:4-10)
Now choose life, so that you and your children may live. ~ Deuteronomy 30 : 19 NIV

11) For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12)Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13) You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. ~ Jeremiah 29 : 11  13 NIV

The Bible tells us some very key information about who we are, who we are destined to become, and how to get there. It's our instruction manual if you will. A handbook to life. Over the past month, I have really been getting so many revelations about my future, about what my destiny is in life. It came at first with the revelation of realizing that where I am is not where I'm supposed to stay. I had gotten very comfortable and content with my job, my education, and even my relationship with God. I started to get just a little lax, and then it came. Extreme discomfort on all fronts. I prayed every day, and I couldn't understand why this was all happening to me. What did I do?

Then as I started getting into my word, some familiar passages began to take new meaning. "All things work together for the good of they that love the Lord"........."If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, Move! and it shall be moved."............ "I can do all thing through Christ who strengthen's me."............. "I will lift up my eyes to the hills from whence cometh my help, my help cometh from the Lord.".......... I began to learn that my destiny was in my own hands. The Bible tells me so. As long as I commit my plans to the Lord, love Him with all my heart and have, I have to say it one more time HAVE FAITH! As long as I am in Him, and He in me, I can do anything.

And then it came, revelations about a website....patience at work.....then going back to school for something completely unrelated to engineering; Meeting and Conference Planning? All of these things started to flood my mind and I found myself just trying to keep up and write things down or email them to myself as quickly as I could. God was speaking to me, and He still is. I have true faith that He is leading me to what He has for me. Leading me to things that are greater than I could have even imagined. And my faith has caused me to begin to take action, fast. To begin to make these things happen. To begin to move mountains with my little mustard seed of belief!

Brothers and sisters, be sure to remember the source of your strength, the reason for your being and the author of your story. Get into your word. Subscribe to a daily devotion if it helps, and live a life of purpose. If you don't know your purpose, make it your purpose to learn and figure out how to walk into your purpose. God has plans to prosper you. Plans to take you to amazing places, and use you to make this world a better place. You just have to submit to His will, seek Him and have faith!
Make March the month that you accelerate your journey into your destiny!